How to Break Out of Your Tetris Gameplay Routine
You can't approach the Matrix the same way every time. Force yourself out of your Tetris gameplay routine for success!
While you may be able to see which Tetriminos are about to drop into the Matrix in most versions of Tetris by looking at the Next Queue, you don’t necessarily know which piece will appear next in the lineup. This is what keeps things interesting in Tetris and keeps the player on their toes at all times.
When you see a certain Tetrimino coming your way, you probably know exactly how you want it to be rotated and placed. You have a layout you like, or a specific pattern you feel works best. Indeed there will be times when your plan will work out perfectly. The thing to realize is, though, there are plenty of times your routine will cost you a victory.
You don't want to fall into a routine of doing the same thing with Tetriminos over and over again. This single-minded approach to gameplay is going to get you into trouble. Believe it or not, this is something a lot of Tetris players do without even realizing it! You'll have a Tetrimino drop in, and when you don't have your go-to spot open, you're left rotating it until you drop it somewhere awkward.
You have to be ready to learn more than one approach to filling out the Matrix and clearing lines. Always following a specific routine through Tetris gameplay is made worse when you factor in a real-life player. They're going to see how you react when the various Tetriminos drop in. Eventually they'll learn your weaknesses, and know how you mess you up big time.
If you're always going to react the same way when you play, a real-life opponent will be given countless opportunities to exploit your methods. The quickest way to learn how varied you are in your gameplay comes from online play. There are so many amazing Tetris players around the world, and they are constantly changing how they approach the game.
When you take them on in an online session, you'll instantly see how many different ways they tackle what's ahead. In the same game, you'll learn how repetitive your own tactics have become. It's a great way to glean info from the best while weeding out what makes you more Tetris fodder than a true competitor.
Photo Credit: © Ubisoft
All you need is some time to practice in Marathon mode. Tweak the speed and level settings, and see what you can do when the difficulty is dialed up. Force yourself to use Tetriminos in orientations you would never use. Why not drop in a couple Tetriminos in places where they really clutter up the Matrix?
This is another great way to force yourself out of the usual routine. It's not hard to learn varied approaches to gameplay. All you have to do is put in some time and practice. There's no more dangerous Tetris player than one who is ready for any situation. Instead of having one way to tackle a line clear, breaking out of your routine can give you a wide range of options for success.
When your real-life opponent doesn't know how you're going to react, it gives you the perfect chance to send them packing. Variety in your gameplay also helps battle super tough computer opponents or extremely difficult challenges. Make some time for practice and get out of your Tetris gameplay routine. You'll gain a much better understanding of the game, all while learning new ways to make your opponent beg for mercy!
Why not start practicing right now? Click here to hit up a free game of Tetris on!